Baby Quick Reference
Social Skills
Parenting tips

Demanding cries.
Mouthing Reflexes: sucking, swallowing, rooting. Startle reflex. Grasping reflex. Stepping reflex. Uncontrolled writhing.
Erratic sleeping and eating schedule.
Car seat. No smoking. Safe crib.
Best vision at 8-12 inches

1 month

Able to lift head when lying on stomach.
Stares at faces.

Shows response to noise.

2 months


Turns head toward sounds.

3 months
Support head and upper body when on stomach. Bring hands to mouth.
Grab and shake toys. Bat at dangling objects.  Push down legs when held up on flat surface.
Enjoys 'playing' with other people.

Recognize familiar faces. Follow moving objects with eyes.

4 months
Coos when spoken to. Make consonant sounds: n, k, p, g, b.
Infant reflexes fade. Play with rattle if placed in hands. Place objects in mouth. Increasing control of head.
Demand attention by fussing.

5 months

Rolls over. Plays with hands and feet.

6 months Imitates sounds.
Reaches and grabs. Rolls over in both directions.

7 months
Sits without support. Reach for object. Move objects from hand to hand. Support weight on legs when held upright.
Distinguish emotions by tone of voice.

Find partially hidden objects.

8 months

9 months Combines syllables.
Stands while holding.

10 months
Crawls well.
Waves goodbye.

11 months

12 months/1 yr

Age Language Movement Social Skills Parenting tips Cognitive